Arguments of derationalization

1. Theoretical Concept

Generally, as it happens, to derationalize is to take reasoning away from what originally made sense\
It is a process of removing the logical and rational aspects of a concept or idea, taking away a powerful meaning and truth of said idea or concept. We need to have that, or else things would (and could!) make sense forever.

A genuine ideological argument against derationalization is that it is a process of removing the truth from a concept. Some might argue that by removing truth you invalidate said idea or concept, making it useless and meaningless.
I Offer a counterpoint to this stance, as i believe by derationalizing, we can create different meaning from the originally constructed idea. By taking away rationality, we can morph truth into new truth, and create new meaning from the old. Part of what makes this so special as a concept is that there is a way to make a lot of idea-room.
We want this, because we want to make new ideas, we want to form original thoughts.
By dissassociating with the first truth, we can construct the second truth anew.

2. Why?

As was stated before, we want to make new ideas, new thoughtroom, new planes of idea
There are, of course, a limited amount of objects, and if you are to objectify concepts, there are a limited amount of things to rationalize at any given time.
Take n, for example, the number of objects in the universe. could be anything.

This means that the amount of concepts has to be limited by infinite possibilities, but it is not infinite itself.
we derationalize to test the limit of infinity, because we know infinity is more than n.
We want to find that ideafloor and make it our own. we need to derationalize because it is control, control for us.

3. Analyzing Truth

Truth is a concept that is often taken for granted, as it is a concept that is often seen as a given.
But what is truth? is it a concept that is absolute, or is it a concept that is relative?
I argue that truth is a concept that is relative, as it is a concept that is based on the perception of the individual.

By derationalizing, we can create new truths, new perceptions, and new realities.
We can take the truth that is given to us and create new truths that are based on our own perceptions.
By derationalizing, we can create new realities that are based on our own perceptions, and not on the perceptions of others.
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